
February 2023

One of my collages is featured on the cover of the edited volume “Wissenskrisen – Krisenwissen: Zum Umgang mit Krisenzuständen in und durch Wissenschaft und Technik” (Julia Engelschalt / Jason Lemberg / Arne Maibaum / Andie Rothenhäusler / Meike Wiegand (Eds.)). Open Access.

September 17, 2022

Several of my collages were featured in Isabella Hermann‘s talk “Dystopie? Utopie? Anti-Dystopie!” at Elstercon 2022.

April 30, 2022

Several of my collages were featured in Isabella Hermann‘s presentation on “Anti-Dystopia as a way of escaping dystopian and (anti)utopian visions of the future” at the Heidelberg Centre for Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic Studies annual conference.

December 2021

One of my collages is featured as a header on Benjamin Lipp’s website.

October 16 & 17, 2021

Selected collages were on display at the 2021 Munich Science and Fiction Festival at the Deutsches Museum München.

December 2020

Selected collages are featured in the book “2000 Revisited – Visionen der Welt von morgen im Gestern und Heute” ( P. Dobroć & A. Rothenhäusler, eds., 2020, open access).

July 2018

My article “Technologie und Collagekunst” (in German) and five of my collages have been published in:
Engelschalt, J., Maibaum, A., Engels, F., & Odenwald, J. (Eds.). (2018). Schafft Wissen: Gemeinsames und geteiltes Wissen in Wissenschaft und Technik: Proceedings der 2. Tagung des Nachwuchsnetzwerks “INSIST”, 07.-08. Oktober 2016, München (Vol. 2). → PDF

September 2017

Georg Jochum’s book “»Plus Ultra« oder die Erfindung der Moderne – Zur neuzeitlichen Entgrenzung der okzidentalen Welt” features a collage on its cover (collage idea by Georg Jochum, execution by me).

May 8, 2017

Selected collages with a technology theme were on display at the “Exploring TechnoArt” exhibition as part of the opening event for the Schiedel-Exchange on TechnoScience, “TechnoSociety? TechnoSociety!”, at the Technische Universität München.

October 12 & 13, 2016

Selected collages with a “hybrid” theme were on display at the 2016 MCTS (Munich Center for Technology in Society) Summer School on “Experimenting with Hybridity”.

October 7 & 8, 2016

Selected collages with a science/technology theme were on display at the conference of the Interdisciplinary Network for Studies Investigating Science and Technology (INSIST), an interdisciplinary meeting of young STS (Science Technology Society) scholars, which took place at the Technische Universität München.

January – November 2016

Large sized prints of 18 collages were on display at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich. The collages were selected by the institute’s directorate staff. The Vernissage took place on January 21, 2016.


Several collages are featured as headers on Günter Voß’ website.